Saturday, January 21, 2012

Buying A Car

Today was a car shopping day. We had appointments with dealers of Peugeot, Mini Cooper, and Alfa Romeo.
Alfa Romeo was our first stop. Our original appointment person did not speak English, so they called another sales person, Sebastien. Sebastien spoke English good enough for us. We test drove a car. Most cars available are manual transmissions, so I am thankful that I know how to drive a stick, but you probably couldn't have convinced anyone of this, watching us leave the lot. The clutch on the car was tight so off we go stalling and bucking the whole way out of the lot. I think I stalled it twice and they say it takes a day to experience body trauma, whiplash is what I am referring to here. So who knows tomorrow what George, Sebastian and I will be feeling.

There was heavy traffic once we get on the road, me behind the wheel, okay we know that...I did not want to stall this thing in heavy traffic. So what does a common sense female behind the wheel trying to prevent a stalling situation do - let out the clutch and floor it, you are so right. Sebastian remained calm and casually looked over at me in the front seat and said, and I quote, "Madam, you just laid some French rubber." It was all George and I could do to contain ourselves.
I can not begin to top this moment for the rest of our shopping experience so I will end it here!


  1. Oh--to be the proverbial fly on the dashboard!!

  2. what kind of car did you end up getting?

  3. I would be in stuck at home over there because I do not know how to drive a manual!

  4. You would be fine with an automatic transmission!
