Monday, January 2, 2012

My Day Today

A friend of mine ask me if our French language lessons will be continuing. I had to tell her that everyday we have French lessons just going about our business.

Here's what happened to me today... I was at the grocery store today. In France you have to take your own bags to the store, they don't give them to you, nor do they bag your stuff. I had 2. But what I was buying didn't look like everything was going to fit in my 2 bags. So I'm at the cash register line checking out and I see the people in front of me with a cart and they are putting their things just back in the cart, not into bags. So I'm thinking- I'm gonna do the same thing, no problem, I"m good. But they had a metal cart that they probably paid for in the parking lot. 

I had what looked like one of those plastic totes you can use at the store in the US. But this jobby had 2 wheels and a little bigger, a pull behind--I didn't pay for it in the parking lot, I found it inside the store. So I get up to the cash register attendant and she says something to me in French-I don't know what the hell she is saying. But she's pointing at my cart on wheels and pointing to the back of the line. WTF am I going to do now. I must have looked foreign because the person behind me takes my cart and sits it back behind this gate. So now the cash register attendant is happy and then she looks at my 2 bags. I'm like uh oh, she's thinking the same thing I'm thinking--All that's not going to fit missy! Then my credit card was giving her problems. And she says some other things in French-she could have been swearing at me for all I know. Well finally the credit card worked, Thank God! I packed up my things and Thank God again because everything fit into my bags. So that has been my day so far.

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